Ember: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v5.11.1(13 days ago)

This package is deprecated. Consider finding alternatives.The package doesn't have any types definitionsNumber of direct dependencies: 41Monthly npm downloads

Ember Source is the core library of the Ember.js framework, providing a robust set of tools and conventions for building ambitious web applications. It offers features like two-way data binding, computed properties, routing, and templating, making it ideal for large-scale projects requiring structure and organization. Ember Source follows the convention over configuration principle, reducing the need for manual setup and configuration.

Compared to other front-end frameworks like React and Angular, Ember Source is known for its strong opinions and batteries-included approach, which can be beneficial for teams looking for a comprehensive solution. However, Ember Source is considered a legacy framework, and its usage has declined in favor of more lightweight and flexible alternatives like React and Vue.

Tags: javascriptframeworkweb applicationsdata bindingrouting